- Spare parts
- knives | blades
- shredder cutters | concave cutter
- counter knives | scrapers
- granulator rotor knives | fly knives
- granulator static knives | bed knives
- rotor shear spare parts
- baling press knives
- other blades | pelletising knives
- bolt-on cutting edges
- knife holders | knife pads
- sealing rings | wear rings
- screen baskets
- screen plates
- screen cassettes | screen holders
- screen accessories
- other spares | standard accessories
- electrics | hydraulics | pneumatics
- rotors
- transmission technology
- fastening material
- Manufacturers
- Vecoplan
- Lindner Recyclingtech
- Eldan Recycling
- Andritz Mewa
- Able
- Alpine Hosokawa
- Amni Maschinenbau
- Artech
- Austro
- Bano Recycling
- CM Shredders
- Condux
- Cumberland
- Doppstadt
- Dreher
- Eggersmann
- Erema
- Ermafa
- Folcieri
- Genox
- Getecha
- Görgens Mahltechnik
- Gross
- Guidetti
- Haas Recycling
- Hammel Recyclingtechnik
- Herbold Meckesheim
- Kueny
- Macpresse
- Molinari Recycling
- Neue Herbold
- Pallmann
- Precimeca
- Previero | Sorema
- Rapid Granulator
- Reto Redoma
- Rudnick & Enners
- Terex
- THM Recycling
- Tria
- Untha
- Vogelsang
- Wagner Shredder
- Wanner
- Weima
- Wipa
- Zato
- Zeno
- Zerma
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New structure makes the company more flexible and powerful
Bamberg, 25.09. 2019 – Large growth rates characterize the global recycling industry. And the trend will continue for years. This is what current studies by international market research institutes* predict. CutMetall KomponentenGmbH, Bamberg, wants to profit from this boom more than before. Therefore company founder and managing director Oliver Huther decided to make a radical cut and completely restructured his company. From now on four independent companies will operate under the umbrella of the new CUTMETALL Holding GmbH. This reorientation enables the manufacturer of machine knives and wear parts for shredders, cutting mills and granulators to react even faster and more flexibly to the requirements of customers at home and abroad.
The new group of companies is structured as follows:
• CUTMETALL Holding GmbH, Bamberg: Under the leadership of Managing Director Oliver Huther, it is responsible for the areas of administration, central services and IT support.
• CUTMETALL Sales GmbH, Bamberg: The company headed by Managing Director Alexander Klär provides sales, is responsible for development and operates the e-commerce platforms.
• CUTMETALL Plus Carbide Germany GmbH, Bamberg: The company headed by Managing Director Christian Hoffmann develops and manufactures special knives with carbide cutting edges for long tool life.
• CUTMETALL Recycling Tools Germany GmbH, Eisfeld: Managing director Jakob Mangold is responsible for the production of knives and wear parts.
• CUTMETALL Recycling Screens Germany GmbH (formerly Blesta GmbH), Eisenhüttenstadt: Headed by Managing Director Frank Dreger, the company manufactures machine sieves and other spare parts in the field of sieves.
The new managing directors were recruited by Oliver Huther from his own ranks. In addition, his restructuring created numerous new jobs, especially in IT and production.
Three big advantages for customers
The CUTMETALL companies optimise their customers' production processes in three ways.
First class products
As a manufacturer, CUTMETALL companies develop and produce high-quality machine knives as well as spare and wear parts. Modern factory robots and powerful production plants ensure a constant high quality of the products. The products of CUTMETALL Plus Carbide Germany GmbH are in the premium segment. Their machine knives with carbide cutting edge correspond 100 percent to the original parts of the most important machine manufacturers, but their performance parameters are significantly higher. For example, a Plus Carbide mill knife used in plastics processing increases the service life from 20 hours to 30 days. And carbide cutting crowns for processing agricultural film extend the service life from 30 to 300 hours. In addition, the special carbide knives reduce machine vibrations, noise and energy consumption. And they optimize the material output. Another advantage of these knives is that they can be reground in most cases.
First class service
As a service provider, CUTMETALL companies develop innovative products together with customers if required. With these custom-made parts, including sieves, knife holders and knives, their machines achieve the maximum. The CUTMETALL e-commerce platform offers another special service. Here, customers can obtain valuable information on all important machines in the recycling and shredding industry, ordered by the market-relevant manufacturers from Alpine to Lindner to Zerma. In the online shop, all spare and wear parts are available to customers for fast purchasing. All products are assigned to individual machine models and available in different price-performance levels.
First-class consulting
Last but not least, employees of CUTMETALL companies support their customers as independent consultants. Due to their technical competence and industry expertise, they are able to provide valuable information and recommendations to those responsible in the recycling and shredding companies. They can then make profound decisions or benefit from professional problem solutions.
With this high-performance complete range of services, CUTMETALL Holding GmbH and its subsidiaries are in a first-class position on the market to benefit greatly from the boom in the recycling industry.
*Global Industrial Shredder Market, Prudour Pvt Ltd, Pune
*Global Plastic Recycling Market Report 2020, BisReport, Shanghai
*Schrott-Metall Recycling Markt wächst bis 2026, Absolute Markets Insights, Pune