- Pièces de rechange
- Couteaux de recyclage
- Couronnes de coupe
- Contre couteaux
- Couteaux de rotor
- Couteaux de stator
- Lames de cisailles rotatives
- Couteaux de presse
- Lames de granulés
- Lames de godet
- Porte-couteaux de broyeur
- Bagues d'étanchéité | Bagues d'usure
- Tamis | Paniers à tamis
- Tamis | Panneaux de tamisage
- Cassette-tamis | Supports de tamisage
- Accessoires de tamisage
- Autres accessoires
- électricité | hydraulique | pneumatique
- Rotors
- Technologie de transmission
- Pièces et fixations standard
- Fabricants
- Vecoplan
- Lindner Recyclingtech
- Eldan Recycling
- Able
- Alpine Hosokawa
- Amni
- Artech
- Austro
- Bano
- CM Shredders
- Condux
- Cumberland
- Doppstadt
- Dreher
- Eggersmann
- Erema
- Ermafa
- Folcieri
- Genox
- Getecha
- Görgens
- Gross
- Guidetti
- Haas Recycling
- Hammel
- Herbold Meckesheim
- Jenz
- Kueny
- Molinari
- Neue Herbold
- Pallmann
- Precimeca
- Previero | Sorema
- Rapid Granulator
- Redoma & Reto Recycling
- Rudnick & Enners
- Terex Vecoplan
- THM Recycling
- Tria
- Untha
- Vogelsang
- Wagner
- Wanner
- Weima Maschinenbau
- Wipa
- Zato
- Zeno
- Zerma
Nous vendons des solutions!
Nous fournissons à nos clients des solutions personnalisées pour leur domaine d'application, avec lesquelles vous pouvez optimiser l'ensemble de votre processus de recyclage et ainsi travailler de manière plus économique. Nous affirmons que nos clients bénéficient de durées de vie plus longues, de moins de temps d'arrêt et donc d'un gain de temps énorme grâce à la qualité CUTMETALLL fournie. Ce faisant, nous nous concentrons sur l'ensemble du processus de recyclage et nous essayons à tout moment, en collaboration avec nos clients, de répondre aux circonstances, aux exigences et aux besoins particuliers et de fournir des solutions et des concepts coordonnés.Nous nous appuyons sur notre expérience, notre expertise et notre savoir-faire, que nous pouvons offrir à nos clients directement et entièrement depuis notre entreprise. Du développement à la production de tous les composants, en passant par les tests et les contrôles, nous garantissons tout d'une seule source.
Document destruction may involve different physical input materials such as paper, hard drives and other media components. Ideally input is sorted prior to recycling, but naturally binders and paper may be mixed with harder materials such as hard drives or CDs and CD-Roms. These are aggressive input materials leading to rapid dulling of the knives and knife holders, which results in the frequent change of the components.

Typical problems
The different input materials may cause the cutting crowns to break easily. Cutters are usually configured to handle a certain materia onlyl. However, if paper and harder materials are mixed, the components do not withstand the high wear. Standard sieves made of ordinary steel do not provide a consistent output, which is of utmost relevance in the area of document destruction in order to protect the confidential data it aims to shred. Customers in the document destruction industry thus demand a great deal of the performance of CUTMETALL parts.
Advantages with CUTMETALL products
CUTMETALL offers screens tailored to meet the demands of secure document destruction; these screens are made of hardened hardox steel, which is durable and more resistant to guarantee longer service life and higher throughput. With those parts our customers are guaranteed at all times the optimized output arequired by different safety levels. In addition, we supply our customers with customized cutting crowns, which allow for a longer cutting cycle due to harder materials being used in our CUTMETALL cutting components.

Industry information
The highly sensitive raw material is processed with frequent in-depth quality controls in order to guarantee the safety of the data shredded at all times. The recycling companies recommend a physical destruction of the raw material by the consumers themselves prior to the introduction into the recycling cycle, so that private data becomes unreadable and irrecoverable . To that effect files should be pre-cut/shredded before being fed into the waste paper bin and digital data carriers can be rendered useless by scratching the surface.
The paper scraps are subsequently shredded with the rest of the waste paper in the recycling plants and reprocessed into material for the paper industry. Recycling is then done in the production of newspaper, office and hygienic paper.
Digital media are broken down into the various components in the course of the recycling process. The extracted plastic polycarbonate, for example, is used for medical devices or plastic parts for vehicles.
The paper scraps are subsequently shredded with the rest of the waste paper in the recycling plants and reprocessed into material for the paper industry. Recycling is then done in the production of newspaper, office and hygienic paper.
Digital media are broken down into the various components in the course of the recycling process. The extracted plastic polycarbonate, for example, is used for medical devices or plastic parts for vehicles.