- Pièces de rechange
- Couteaux de recyclage
- Couronnes de coupe
- Contre couteaux
- Couteaux de rotor
- Couteaux de stator
- Lames de cisailles rotatives
- Couteaux de presse
- Lames de granulés
- Lames de godet
- Porte-couteaux de broyeur
- Bagues d'étanchéité | Bagues d'usure
- Tamis | Paniers à tamis
- Tamis | Panneaux de tamisage
- Cassette-tamis | Supports de tamisage
- Accessoires de tamisage
- Autres accessoires
- électricité | hydraulique | pneumatique
- Rotors
- Technologie de transmission
- Pièces et fixations standard
- Fabricants
- Vecoplan
- Lindner Recyclingtech
- Eldan Recycling
- Able
- Alpine Hosokawa
- Amni
- Artech
- Austro
- Bano
- CM Shredders
- Condux
- Cumberland
- Doppstadt
- Dreher
- Eggersmann
- Erema
- Ermafa
- Folcieri
- Genox
- Getecha
- Görgens
- Gross
- Guidetti
- Haas Recycling
- Hammel
- Herbold Meckesheim
- Jenz
- Kueny
- Molinari
- Neue Herbold
- Pallmann
- Precimeca
- Previero | Sorema
- Rapid Granulator
- Redoma & Reto Recycling
- Rudnick & Enners
- Terex Vecoplan
- THM Recycling
- Tria
- Untha
- Vogelsang
- Wagner
- Wanner
- Weima Maschinenbau
- Wipa
- Zato
- Zeno
- Zerma
Nous vendons des solutions!
Nous fournissons à nos clients des solutions personnalisées pour leur domaine d'application, avec lesquelles vous pouvez optimiser l'ensemble de votre processus de recyclage et ainsi travailler de manière plus économique. Nous affirmons que nos clients bénéficient de durées de vie plus longues, de moins de temps d'arrêt et donc d'un gain de temps énorme grâce à la qualité CUTMETALLL fournie. Ce faisant, nous nous concentrons sur l'ensemble du processus de recyclage et nous essayons à tout moment, en collaboration avec nos clients, de répondre aux circonstances, aux exigences et aux besoins particuliers et de fournir des solutions et des concepts coordonnés.Nous nous appuyons sur notre expérience, notre expertise et notre savoir-faire, que nous pouvons offrir à nos clients directement et entièrement depuis notre entreprise. Du développement à la production de tous les composants, en passant par les tests et les contrôles, nous garantissons tout d'une seule source.
The long-term load and the extremely high wear in the machines represent the biggest challenge for the companies in Tyre recycling. The wire, which is separated from the tires, causes great damage and high wear on the machines and components. The constant change of the wear parts is therefore inevitable in order to guarantee a high-quality output material.

Typical problems
The high downtime due to the frequent change of components and the resulting reduced throughput are major and typical problems in the area of tyre recycling. Since a large part of the material from tyre recycling is used for example for riding place assignments or washing machine mats, the output must be optimized for the customer. For this reason, it is necessary to pay attention to suitable material at the pre-crusher so that the quality can be provided.
Advantages of CUTMETALL products
We also provide the right solutions for the high demands in tyre recycling. So that the customer can always deliver the correct output, we provide the appropriate configurations with optimized and very fine perforations. With newly developed screws and knife holders, which are considerably more resistant, we guarantee a higher life time and more throughput. Due to optimised material, the downtime can also be kept much lower, since the change and maintenance of the components is easier and quicker to perform.

Industry information
Recycling of scrap tires is a particularly important role. While good used tires are often exported for reuse, scrap tires that are useless are released for recycling. Special requirements and requirements must be observed here. In addition to the obvious components such as the outer casing of rubber and the interior construction of wire, tyres, for example, also consist of chemicals such as sulfur. These substances must of course be professionally and specially prepared in order to be used for recycling.
The extracted rubber granulate, which is passed on to customers after the recycling process, delivers the perfect heating material with an enormously high calorific value of 9.0 kwh/kg, since it can be converted into energy completely pollutant-free at temperatures above 1000 °c.
The extracted rubber granulate, which is passed on to customers after the recycling process, delivers the perfect heating material with an enormously high calorific value of 9.0 kwh/kg, since it can be converted into energy completely pollutant-free at temperatures above 1000 °c.
Products used