Nouvelles de CUTMETALL

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COVID-19 I Stronger together - We are here for you!
In this extraordinary time we will be at your side.

Dealing with the Covid-19 situation is a huge challenge. What is happening out there is new to all of us and beyond any business planning. But we take the responsibility regarding economy and health seriously.

As a company, we have already implemented measures in the past few weeks to protect our customers and employees while maintaining our business operations for you as our customer. By expanding home working opportunities and minimizing direct contact we can achieve this together.

We will of course ensure our availability for you even in this extraordinary time.

Your personal contacts at CUTMETALL are available as usual. Even if site visits might become more difficult in the next few weeks, you won’t miss our usual quality of advice.

Let's master the crisis together and let's keep the Recycling and Shredding Industry going! Questions that will surely arise – CUTMETALL has the answers for you:
CUTMETALL - We can deliver!

This is our good news in all this uncertainty:
Open orders are completed on time and for all new orders we set up a catalog of measures
including processing and production up until delivery, with which we remain maneuverable.

In that way we can offer you the service you are used to even in an exceptional situation like the current one.

Are you running out of spare parts?
Please don't panic! The solution is simple.
As usual, you can easily place your orders via our CUTMETALL webshop at
or via e-mail and telephone.

Benefits of ordering online in our one-stop CUTMETALl webshop:
Immediate access to our inventory, alternative items and accessories.

Please take care of yourself.

We will find a solution for everything else!