Herbold HV

Spare parts from CUTMETALL

As an operator of a Herbold HV plastic compactor, you can obtain from us the suitable spare parts such as kneading bars for rotor discs and stator discs, among others, for the following machines from the Herbold HV series:

  • Herbold Plastkompaktor HV-70


CUTMETALL products for Herbold HV plastic compactors

For your Herbold HV series plastic compactor from Herbold Meckesheim, we offer the appropriate spare parts from CUTMETALL,e.g. kneading bars and guide bars - precisely fitting wear parts, matched to the respective size reduction process.

Do you have questions about our products for your Herbold HV?

Your Plastkompaktor model or the spare part you are looking for is not listed? Do you have questions whether and how the service life and durability of your Herbold HV spare parts can be extended? Please contact us, because not all items are yet available online. We will be pleased to advise you!


How you benefit from Spare parts by CUTMETALL

CUTMETALL products: More than a spare part! Tuning for your machine!

Our spare parts and wear parts are not original equipment manufacturer items (original parts of the machine manufacturers) but rather process-optimized CUTMETALL own brands: A perfect fit. Durable. Economical.

CUTMETALL - partner, problem solver, and process optimizer for the recycling and shredding industries.